How I can help:
Request a Congratulatory Message
If you or someone you know is celebrating a special birthday or anniversary, you can request a letter from the Premier of Queensland, Prime Minister of Australia, Governor-General or His Majesty The King to mark the occasion. Forms can be collected from my office. Once completed, please return it to my office and we will organise the rest for you.
Borrow a Marquee
If your community group or sporting club is holding a special event and would like to borrow free marquees, please contact the office via phone (07 3638 9100) or email to arrange the date you require.
Request a Queensland Flag
Organisations, generally not-for-profit or community groups, may be eligible for a free Queensland flag if they meet the conditions issued by the Department of Premier and Cabinet.
Seniors Cards and Concessions
You can join more than half a million Queenslander seniors already receiving discounts and special offers from thousands of businesses. Apply for a Seniors Card, Seniors Card +go, or a Seniors Business Discount Card today - it's free!